How to Maintain Your Hot Tub and Keep it Running Smoothly
March 1, 2023

Your hot tub is an investment that can provide you with years of enjoyment. But like any other asset, it needs to be properly maintained in order to keep it running smoothly. Here are some tips on how to maintain your hot tub:

1. Test the Water Regularly

The most important aspect of hot tub maintenance is to test the water regularly and adjust the pH and chlorine levels as needed. You can use a test strip kit or a digital tester to check the pH level. The ideal range is between 7.2 and 7.8.

If the pH level is too low, it can cause skin irritation and eye irritation. If the pH level is too high, it can make the chlorine less effective.

Most hot tubs have a chlorine generator that automatically adjusts the chlorine level, but you should still test the water regularly to make sure it is in the ideal range.

2. Clean the Filters

Who doesn’t love a relaxing soak in a bubbly hot tub? But did you know that those same bubbles can actually trap dirt and debris? That’s why it’s important to clean your filters on a regular basis. Depending on how often you use your hot tub, you should clean the filters at least once a month. Most hot tubs have a filter cartridge that can be easily removed and replaced. To do a deep clean, you can soak the cartridge in a filter cleaning solution.

3. Inspect the Pumps and Jets

The jets and pumps are what make your hot tub experience complete. But they can also be a breeding ground for bacteria if they are not cleaned properly. Make sure to inspect the jets and pumps on a regular basis to ensure that they are free of dirt and debris. If you notice any build-up, simply use a soft brush to clean them.

4. Drain and Refill the Water

It’s important to drain and refill your hot tub water every few months to remove any build-up of chemicals. You should also give the entire hot tub a good cleaning, including the filters, jets, and pumps. For an extra deep clean, you can use a hot tub cleaning solution.

5. Check the Cover

The cover is one of the most important aspects of your hot tub. It helps to keep the heat in and the dirt and debris out. Make sure to inspect the cover on a regular basis to ensure that it is clean and free of holes or tears. If you notice any damage, be sure to replace the cover as soon as possible.

6. Call a Professional

If you’re not confident performing hot tub maintenance on your own, you can always call a professional. They can handle everything from testing the water to cleaning the filters and jets. Hot tub maintenance is essential to keeping your hot tub in good working condition.

Final Words

Enjoying your hot tub is easy when you keep up with regular maintenance. With a simple cleaning routine, you can keep your hot tub running smoothly for years to come. From testing the water to inspecting the jets, there are a few key steps that you should take on a regular basis. And if you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to call a professional. With just a little bit of effort, you can enjoy your hot tub for years to come.